I believe that stewarding nature is deeply intertwined with healing and nourishing human relationships with nature, and that community-based movements carry the strongest momentum to ensure long-term stewardship.
To this end, I lead and engage with marine conservation, spatial planning and restoration projects that centre community voices, values, and knowledge.
Eelgrass Transplant on
Bowen Island/Nexwlélexwem
Video made by
Bob Turner
Feb 2021
Howe Sound/Átl'ka7tsem Marine Reference Guide - promo video
Video produced by Fiona Beaty & Bridget John
Edited by Kieran Brownie
June 2021
Restoration aspires to return communities and ecosystems to healthy and resilient states following their disruption by human activities (e.g. pollution, habitat degradation). Importantly, Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer teaches that restoration should be a reciprocal effort that involves the repair of ecological systems and species, as well as human relationships and connections to the land and water. This guiding principle resonates strongly with me, and I seek to carry it through in my marine restoration and conservation endeavours.
From 2018-2021, I led and coordinated nearshore restoration initiatives in Howe Sound/Átl’ka7tsem, including seven eelgrass (Zostera marina) transplants and two subtidal debris removals. This work was part of a broader restoration project throughout the Salish Sea led by SeaChange Marine Conservation Society. Our approach has been to work with communities throughout the restoration process, from site selection to boots on the ground restoration to monitoring and enforcement.
In 2017 I collaborated with engineers, scientists, and lawyers to create a guide for habitat protection that reviews and synthesizes the complex physical, biological, and human systems associated with nearshore restoration.

Eelgrass Transplant on
Bowen Island/Nexwlélexwem
Video made by
Bob Turner
Feb 2021
Eelgrass Transplant on
Bowen Island/Nexwlélexwem
Video made by
Bob Turner
Feb 2021